The Cost Of Central Vista Project Is Rs 20,000 Crores, Not Rs 971 Crores
Head administrator Narendra Modi established the framework stone for the new Parliamentary structure on December 10, 2020, which will be worked as a piece of Indian government's aggressive Central Vista Project.
The Central Vista is a great redevelopment project which includes developing another three-sided Parliament constructing, a typical focal secretariat, new structures for the Prime Minister and Vice-President home and redoing of three-km-long Rajpath, from the Rashtrapati Bhavan to the India Gate.
The Logical Indian covered the 'notable service' for the undertaking, which can be perused here. In setting to this, numerous individuals said that the development of the Central Vista Project costs Rs 971 crore and not 20,000 crore as written in the story.
Claims the cost of project:
The proposed cost of the Central Vista Project is Rs 971 crore.
Truth Check:
To confirm the cost and cost of the venture, The Logical Indian scoured through the current articles, government explanations and different archives.
In an article dated November 3, distributed by News 18, the middle was cited safeguarding the expense 'Rs 20,000 cr' and saying it would set aside cash.
"Legislature of India protected the need of Rs 20,000 crore Central Vista project and disclosed to SC that it will be will set aside cash and not waste it. Specialist General Tushar Mehta in his report submitted to SC said, 'Rs 1,000 crore is gone through consistently as office lease of the Central Ministrfes which can be saved," the report read